Published by the Center for the Study of The Great Ideas (founded in 1990 by Mortimer J. Adler and Max Weismann)
In association with the The Adler-Aquinas Institute and Aquinas School of Leadership
A Founding Member of the Alliance for Liberal Learning

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Adler On: Angels

The Reality of Angels:
(1) Why Try to Prove the Existence of Angels?
(2) The Reason God Created Angels
(3) The Great Chain of Being
(4) The Best of All Possible Worlds
The Angels and Us, Chapter 4

The Possibility of Angels:
(1) The Crux of the Matter
(2) Who Says That Angels are Impossible?
(3) Reasons for Affirming Their Possibility
The Angels and Us (1982), Chapter 7

Philosophical Exploration of that Possibility:
(1) Angelology and Mathematics
(2) The Mutability of Angels
(3) The Differentiation of Angels
(4) Angelic Occupation of Space and Movement Through It
(5) Angels as Knowers
(6) Angels as Lovers
(7) The Community and Communication of Angels
The Angels and Us (1982), Chapter 8

If Men Were Angels:
(1) Angelistic Politics
(2) Angelistic Psychology
(3) Angelistic Linguistics
(4) Angelistic Ethics
The Angels and Us (1982), Chapter 11

Man on the Boundary Line:
(1) Straddling the Line or Reaching Over It?
(2) The Weakness of the Human Mind
(3) The Middle Ground
(4) The Resurrection of the Body
The Angels and Us (1982), Chapter 12

Defined, Adler's Philosophical Dictionary (1995)

--Terrence Berres


  1. Do you suppose that Dr. Adler would have been open to "angels" from non-Judeo-Christian traditions?

    Bodhisattva's, Deva's, Kami, ancestral spirits, celestial beings are all spiritual beings but don't have quite the context of Christian angels as messengers from a unitary God, yet many people find the concept valuable.

  2. From what he wrote, I assume he'd see no problem examining these. Some might be closer to the Christian idea of saints.

    He might remain skeptical that there would be enough parallel concepts in non-Western traditions to include them in an expanded Great Books with syntopical index.
