Fr. Dominic Legge, O.P., Director of the Thomistic Institute in Washington, D.C., announces full-ride scholarships for studying Aquinas at the Dominican House of Studies
A generous benefactor has agreed to provide up to two full-ride scholarships for the year M.A. program in theology at the
Pontifical Faculty at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C. This also includes a living stipend of $16,000 per year, and additional funds to cover the cost of books.
Applications for the Robert Luddy Scholarships are due by the feast of St. Thomas Aquinas (January 28, 2020).
To apply, please send:
1) A cover letter explaining the reasons for your interest in this program, and detailing your involvement with the Thomistic Institute to date;
2) a current résumé (including all university studies you have pursued); and
3) sealed copies of all university transcripts (typically sent directly to us by the registrar’s office of your university)
The cover letter and résumé may be sent electronically to Ms. Kaitlin Henry at Transcripts should be addressed to:
Ms. Kaitlin Henry
The Thomistic Institute
487 Michigan Ave., NE
Washington, D.C. 20017
For more information, phone: (202) 495-3856
- Announcing a "Call for Abstracts" for an edited collection of original and innovative essays:
Mind Over Matter: Rigorous Philosophical Analyses of the Spiritual Dimension of Achievement
Edited by Roderick Nicholls and Heather Salazar,
Mind Over Matter aims to present an innovative, interdisciplinary, and rigorous philosophical analysis of the value of the spiritual dimension of human achievement. Creative, scientific, artistic, scholastic and athletic achievements provide some of the diverse disciplines of achievement analyzed. The editors seek original philosophical contributions that challenge assumptions that productivity is wholly explicable through physical traits and the assertion of effort and instead show how faith, self-confidence and achievement can be ameliorated through mental and spiritual devotion or practice. Submit a 750 word abstract and brief CV to Rod Nicholls, editor of Philosophy & Religion, Brill/Rodopi Value Inquiry Book Series at by January 15, 2020. Final papers should be 7,000 to 10,000 words in length and are due September 1, 2020.
- Announcing a "Call for Papers" for 2 official University Journals at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (KUL)
1) Roczniki Kulturoznawcze (Annals of Cultural Studies) is a quarterly, interdisciplinary, cultural journal
2) Zeszyty Naukowe KUL (Kul Scientific Notebooks) is an interdisciplinary, scientific journal specializing in the role of values, conflict of values, and their transformations and impact on multicultural societies of Central and Eastern Europe. The main purpose of the Journal is to present research about the identification and description of values as factors of fundamental importance for the functioning of modern societies, their legal and political systems, and their impact on social communication.
For more information, see:
- Our colleague Fran O'Rourke announces that the website for the Symposium Thomisticum V is now up at:
Topic: "Aquinas on Action"
Dates: 04–06 June 2020
Location: Cracow, Poland
Abstracts are due by: 31 January 2020; completed papers are due by: 01 May 2020
Also, see the following link for information about 2 recent publications by Symposium authors:
- Reality Journal is seeking a peer reviewer
Our colleague at Reality tells us that the Journal seeks someone to write a peer review of the attached article, authored by Kirk Kanzelberger, on “Reality and the Meaning of Evil.” A review for Reality will be published alongside the original article and can be either a comment or response to the article: a comment, being a shorter length (2000+ words), will discuss the scholarship and argumentation of the article, highlighting both merits and weaknesses. Responses, of near article-length (5000+ words), while they may include some discussion of scholarship and argumentation, are intended to instead present a different interpretation of the same issue addressed by the article in question. Reviews are not blind.
Anyone interested in submitting such a review, please contact the Reality Editorial Team at:
This is the final review needed to complete Reality’s first issue.
- Announcing the 12th Annual St. John Bosco Schools Gala and Silent Auction
Dates: 01 February 2020
Location: Locus Hill Country Club, 2000 Jefferson Road, Pittsford, NY (Black tie optional)
For further information about these events, phone: 585-348-9401
- Announcing the 17th annual Joe Torre Safe at Home Foundation Gala honoring Gretchen Carlson and Hideki Matsui, joined Bob Costas and musical entertainment by Ted McGraw
Location: Cipriana Restaurant, 25 Broadway, NYC
Dates: 15–16 February 2020
Time: 6:00 P.M.
- Our colleague Florian Michel announces that information about his recent publication of his Bulletin de la Société Paul Claudel journal article on "Correspondence between Étienne Gilson and Paul Claudel" is now available at:
- Announcing a “Call for Papers” for the 40th Annual Society of Military Ethics Conference
Conference Theme: Military Ethics in a Grave New World.
Increasingly, states are finding ways to use force to achieve strategic goals while staying below triggers for traditional war. The rapidly increasing military capabilities in the areas of cyber warfare, autonomous weapons systems, the application of artificial intelligence to military force, and new weapons such as hypersonic missiles, pose novel ethical challenges addressed poorly at best by previously settled frameworks for military ethics.
ISME 2020 invites paper proposals that address any aspect of this changing environment: e.g., the restructuring of the international system, new weapons and tactics, war in the gray zone of “little green men,” the building of artificial islands in the South China Sea, other jus ad vim issues, employment of "lawfare," strategic encouragement of irredentist aspirations, internment and “re-education” of cultural and religious minorities on vulnerable flanks, interference in elections, and the impact of these phenomena on the health and well-being of military members, veterans, and other citizens.
As always, ISME continues to encourage proposals on any topic in military ethics, even if not directly related to this year's conference theme.
Papers for the International Society of Military Ethics are invited to explore the issues surrounding these topics. Send one-page abstract proposals for papers or suggested panels to program chair Lt Col. Joel Brown, PhD (USAF) at
Dates: 29–30 July 2020
Location: Department of Philosophy, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs; USAF Academy
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Proposals/abstracts are due by 31 January 2020. Participants will be notified before 1 March 2019.
- Announcing the 7th Annual International Conference on Humanities & Arts in a Global World
Dates: 03–06 January 2020
Location: Athens, Greece
Sponsoring organization: "Athens Journal of Humanities & Arts"
- Announcing the 2020 Annual Telos-Paul Piccone Institute Conference
Topic: “After the Welfare State: Reconceiving Mutual Aid”
Keynote speaker: Catherine Malabou, Kingston University and University of California, Irvine
Dates: 15–16 February 2020
Location: Deutsches Haus at New York University
New York, NY
- Announcing 3 upcoming conferences at Marquette University:
1) Topic: "Themes in the Work of Sarah Brodie"
Dates: 20–21 February 2020
Location: Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
2) Annual Aquinas Lectureship at Marquette
Speaker: Sarah Brodie, Professor of Moral Philosophy and Wardlaw Professor at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland
Topic: "Plato"
Date: 23 February 2020
Location: Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
3) Annual Aristotle Conference
Topic: "Causality and Causation in Aristotle and the Aristotelian Tradition"
Dates: 22–24 June 2020
Location: Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
For details about any of the above conferences, contact Professor Goldin
- The American Maritain Association announces its 43rd annual conference
Topic: "Whose Thomism? Which Tradition?"
Dates: 05–24 March 2020
Location: Pittsburgh, Pa.
Co-sponsoring organizations: Franciscan University and the Byzantine Catholic Seminary of SS. Cyril and Methodius
For more Conference information, go to:
- Announcing the Metaphysical Society of America 2020 annual conference
Theme: “Nature and its Meanings”
In 2020, the 70th anniversary of its founding, the theme of the Metaphysical Society of America’s annual meeting will be “Nature and its Meanings.”
Location: College of the Holy Cross (Worcester, Massachusetts)
Dates: 19 to 22 March 2020
For more Conference information, see:
- Announcing a “Call for Papers” for the Mount Holyoke Summer Philosophy Conference
Details: The MHSPC is a three-day, pre-read, workshop-style conference on the Mount Holyoke College campus in South Hadley, Massachusetts.
Everyone in the world is invited to submit a paper, or to volunteer to be a commentator or session chair, but conference attendance is limited to those on the conference program (and also to members of the conference program committee, the assistant conference organizers, and members of the MHC philosophy department). This is partly due to funding and logistical constraints, and partly due to the fact that the MHSPC is a workshop-style conference that involves in-depth discussions of works-in-progress.
Dates: 21–21 June 2020
Location: Department of Philosophy, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts
*Title: With a Diamond in My Shoe: A Philosopher's Search for Identity in America
The intellectual autobiography of a leading figure in the field of Latin American philosophy
Author: Jorge J. E. Gracia
Publisher: SUNY Series: Latin American and Iberian Thought and Culture
- See the link below to a soon-to-be available book by our colleague Jason Morgan:
*Title: Law and Society in Imperial Japan: Suuhiro Izutaro and the Search for Equity
Publisher: Cambria Press January 8, 2020)
- Check out recent radio interviews by our colleagues James Hanink and Mario-Ramos Reyes on the En Route Media WCAT radio show, “The Open Door” at:
- Divine Mercy University, Washington, D.C. announces scholarships available for graduate courses in:
Clinical Paychology, and Counseling
- Go to this link for upcoming Philadelphia-area events sponsored by the International Institute for Culture:
- Listen to Joseph Fessio, S.J.' s announcement at about the REVOLUTIONARY Angelicum Academy Great Books Program:
"Angelicum Academy at Holy Apostles College"
1) It enables students to acquire an Associate's degree in the Great Books totally online by the end of 12th grade and a Bachelor's degree as little as two years later.
2) Thanks to the agreement between the Angelicum Academy and Holy Apostles College, total tuition cost for the BA degree is under $30,000, while the average total cost of a four-year BA in private colleges is $180,000+.
3) It includes 12 credits of online Theology courses developed for the Angelicum Academy by Fr. Joseph Fessio, S.J.
COLLEGE CREDITS: Angelicum Academy students may earn from 1-75 college credits while home schooling (in grades 9-12) or while in high school, or later. They may earn their accredited Associate’s degree (from Holy Apostles College -requires 60 credits) while in high school or home school (grades 9-12, or later), or they may take individual college-level courses for transfer elsewhere – to other of the hundreds of colleges and universities that accept ACE recommended credits. Students who earn their Associate’s degree while in home school (grades 9-12) or high school, may earn a further 15 credits then as well, enabling them to complete 75 credits towards their accredited bachelor’s degree (requires 120 credits) – that is nearly 2/3rds of their bachelor’s degree, for a fraction of the cost elsewhere.
- The University of South Africa and the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin Thomistic Studies Research Doctoral Programs:
The University of South Africa in Pretoria has an online research doctoral program (PhD) in Philosophy that includes Thomistic studies. The Aquinas School of Leadership in the US is helping to promote this program for students contemplating, or currently, pursuing a graduate Master’s degree in Thomistic Studies and link this degree from the University of South Africa to a follow-up, second Ph. D. degree from the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin.
The costs of the program include 7,840 South African Rand for the research proposal, which equals $643 US Dollars, then, 15,400 South African Rand per year, which equals $1,263 US Dollars per year. The time limit for completion of the Pretoria program is 6 years.
For information about this program, contact Dr. Peter A. Redpath at:
- Announcing CEINDO internationaldoctoral collaboration scholarships
CEINDO collaboration scholarships aim to reward academic achievement and active collaboration with a CEINDO doctoral institution. For these purposes, a tuition scholarship is being offered for each of official doctoral program of CEINDO. CEINDO, or CEU,International School of Doctoral Studies brings together research groups made up of doctors with proven track records in research.
CEINDO’s teaching project focuses on training large groups of researchers specializing in the diverse programs offered by the School. The main goal is to establish a network of internationally renowned researchers. To these ends, all three CEU Universities promote inter-university doctoral programs and foster collaboration among the most prestigious university institutions, enabling trainee researchers to participate in research projects of European and international repute.
For more information about CEINDO, see:
The doctoral program in Humanities for the Contemporary World has three lines: Philosophy, History, and Literature. It is possible to follow this program online with the University Abat Oliba in Barcelona, but knowledge of the Spanish language is required.
For more information about CEINDO, or CEU, doctoral program in Philosophy at the University Abaat Oliba, in Barcelona, Spani, contact Prof. Enrique Martinez at:
- The Clarity Fund for the Study of Reason, Moral Law, and Culture, announces its formation and activities here:
- The journal Scientia et Fides:
A joint-venture, open-access, online journal published twice a year by the Faculty of Theology of Nicolaus Copernicus University, in Torun, Poland, in collaboration with the Group of Research “Science, Reason, and Faith” [CRYF], at University of Navarra seeks rigorous research works regarding different aspects of the relationship between science and religion. SetF articles are not confined to the methodology of a single discipline and may cover a wide range of topics, provided that the interdisciplinary dialogue between science and religion is tackled. The Journal accepts articles written in English, Spanish, Polish, French, Italian, and German, which will be evaluated by a peer-review process.
For further information about publishing articles in SetF, see:
- Check out the following terrific links for locating works by St. Thomas Aquinas:
- Follow the progress of, and help to complete, the Latin-English edition of the Opera Omnia of St. Thomas Aquinas by going to:
You can download scholarly works to your computer, bookmark them, read them from the computer, send them to a printer, etc.
For example, immediately below are offerings related to Mortimer J. Adler and St. Thomas Aquinas:
Adler offerings:
Aquinas offerings:
You can download them to your computer, bookmark them and read them from the computer, send them to a printer, etc.
- Some YouTube Videos from past annual Aquinas Leadership International World Congresses are available for viewing
For anyone interested in studying, or teaching courses on, St. Thomas, the Aquinas School of Philosophy site offers a wealth of educational information you might want to check out. See:
Also, see a list of thought-provoking articles by Aquinas School of Philosophy founder Dr. Dennis Bonnette at this site:
If you are not yet a member of the IEGS, please consider joining to support our ongoing work. If you are a member and have not yet paid your annual dues, please do so.
For information about Richard Taylor's "Aquinas and the 'Arabs'" International Working Group and upcoming conferences and seminars hosted by this organization, see:
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